AZ-500 Azure Fundamentals is a fantastic companion

At time of writing, there is no expiry date on the AZ-500 certification.

AZ-500 Exam Dumps At time of writing, there is no expiry date on the AZ-500 certification. Other certifications such as the AZ-103104 Azure Administrator certification need to be renewed periodically (E.g. 18 months). Microsoft will from time to time retire certifications however, and you may also find exam numbers evolve over time when Microsoft changes the curriculum substantially for the certification. How do I prepare for the AZ-500? Alright, so you’ve committed right? Good! Let’s do this. TRAINING COURSES Sign up for training at Skylines Academy. A Membership is $19 per month which includes the AZ-500 as well as many more training courses. The AZ-500 training course is a self paced course that will walk you through all the topics. It also goes beyond the basics showing you hands on demos which can further expand your knowledge and advance you onto the next phase of your certification journey. YOUTUBE VIDEO PLAYLIST We’ve selected a handful of videos from the AZ-500 course to get AZ-500 Dumps you started in your journey. This is no substitute for a training course but if you watch just one video today, you’ve learned something new right? Check out the playlist here AZ-500 EXAM REFERENCE BOOK The Microsoft Press Book – AZ-500 Azure Fundamentals is a fantastic companion. Grab this book from Amazon. AZ-500 READINGSTUDY MATERIAL AZ-500 Sign up Now for the major pieces of reading material. Below you will find all the links to relevant Skylines Academy blog posts and Microsoft documentation to cover the key topics. Consider all the links below essential reading for the exam unless they are marked as optional.

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